Welcome to gCube Catalogue Service (aka gCat) API documentation.
To get a complete overview of gCat service take a look at wiki page.
You may also enjoy the interactive interface provided for this API by Swagger.
name | path | methods | description |
Configuration APIs |
The catalogue configuration for the context of the request (i.e. the context where the token has been generated). Only Catalogue-Managers are able to invoke non-safe methods. |
Group APIs |
This concept is mutated by Ckan which is used as underling technology to persist items. Only Catalogue-Admins or above are able to invoke non-safe methods. |
Item APIs |
Item is a set of metadata to describe a concept. An Item can has one or more Resource attached. |
Item's Resource APIs |
An Item's Resource is an URL (e.g. URL pointing to a file) and can exists only attached to an item. |
License APIs |
A collection to interact with licenses that are available in the catalogue. A license is associated with items to define the legal right to use such an item. |
Namespace APIs |
A namespace defines a logical grouping for metadata contained in items. |
Organization APIs |
This concept is mutated by Ckan which is used as underling technology to persist items. Only Catalogue-Admins or above are able to invoke non-safe methods. |
Profile APIs |
A profile defines a type and the schema any item of such a type must comply with. |
Trash APIs |
This collection allow to interact with thrashed items |
User APIs |
This collection allows to interact with the catalogue users. Only Catalogue-Admins or above are able to invoke non-safe methods. |